Telenet test breedbandinternet in je auto

Sinds juni voert Telenet tests uit over het gebruik van breedband internet je auto! Dat meldt De Standaard. De mogelijkheden zijn legio.

De technologie is gebaseerd op het 4G netwerk of Long Term Evolution (LTE) netwerk.
Telenet verwacht dat 4G een realiteit is in Belgiƫ tegen 2012.

Summer trends on Social Media in Belgium

According to Alexa, Belgium can be considered rather conservative concerning social media websites. With a second place in its Belgian Top Sites rankings, just behind Google, Facebook is omnipopular in Belgium. According to GoogleAdPlanner some 3.800.000 Belgians visit Facebook regularly.
Youtube is the third most popular website among Belgians. Wikipedia is on spot 8.
Compared to January 2010, with a ranking 13, Belgian Netlog switches places with Blogger that becomes number 12.

Compared to January 2010, Badoo is the top winner, with a gain of 36 places on Alexa's Belgian Top Sites list. Badoo is a UK based international social networking site available in 16 languages (also in Dutch).
Twitter use in Belgium nearly doubled the passed year. The website jumps 26 places and becomes the 21st most popular website among Belgians.
LinkedIn, which is mostly aimed at professionals and business networking jumps 23 places and hits spot 44.
Other winners are blog service WordPress (8 places) and photo sharing service Flickr (5 places).

Big loser is MySpace (that loses 24 places in the Alexa ranking compared to January 2010). Netlog loses 1 place.